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Subject Verb Agreement Worksheets Pdf Grade 5

Subject Verb Agreement Worksheets Pdf Grade 5

Subject-verb agreement is a critical aspect of English grammar, and it is essential that students learn how to use verbs correctly in their writing. To help students improve their understanding of subject-verb agreement, teachers often use worksheets. In this article, we will take a closer look at subject-verb agreement worksheets pdf grade 5 and how they can benefit students.

What is subject-verb agreement?

Subject-verb agreement refers to the grammatical match between a subject and its corresponding verb. In other words, the verb used in a sentence should agree with the subject in terms of number and tense. For example, in the sentence “the dog barks,” the singular subject “dog” takes the singular verb “barks,” whereas in the sentence “the dogs bark,” the plural subject “dogs” takes the plural verb “bark.”

Why is subject-verb agreement important?

Subject-verb agreement is important because using verbs incorrectly can lead to confusion and misunderstandings in writing. Incorrect subject-verb agreement can also make writing sound awkward and unprofessional. Students who are proficient in subject-verb agreement are better able to express their ideas clearly and effectively in writing.

What are subject-verb agreement worksheets?

Subject-verb agreement worksheets are exercises that help students practice matching subjects with their corresponding verbs. These worksheets can take various forms, including fill-in-the-blank exercises, sentence completion activities, and multiple-choice quizzes. They are designed to help students identify and correct errors in subject-verb agreement and reinforce the rules of this essential grammar skill.

Benefits of subject-verb agreement worksheets pdf grade 5

Subject-verb agreement worksheets pdf grade 5 are designed to meet the needs of fifth-grade students. They cover various topics related to subject-verb agreement, including verb tenses, indefinite pronouns, and compound subjects. Using these worksheets can help students improve their grammar skills and become more confident in their writing.

Additionally, subject-verb agreement worksheets pdf grade 5 are easily accessible and printable, making them convenient for both teachers and students. Teachers can use these worksheets to supplement their lessons, while students can work on them independently or in groups.


Subject-verb agreement is an essential grammar skill that students must master to become proficient writers. Subject-verb agreement worksheets pdf grade 5 are a valuable resource for teachers and students to practice, reinforce, and improve their understanding of this critical grammar rule. Using these worksheets can help students become more confident in their writing and communicate their ideas more effectively.